Is my mind poised for growth?

We had several tree casualties this winter. A couple uprooted and fell. And last week a perfectly healthy tree broke and fell on our shed.

It got me thinking about what fosters growth and what causes a breakdown or a fall.

Is my mind poised for growth?

Our stress response is hardwired inside our reptilian survival brain to react quickly, with a fixed and narrowed focus.

When life gets accentuated with unpredictable events, we can weather it for a while, but like trees, there is a tipping point when we become 'too saturated' and fall.

We all have our limits. And when we reach our window of tolerance, we find ourselves feeling more anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. Then one more problem or issue feels like the last straw and we start doing or saying things that are not in our best interest, as we look for the quick fix to alleviate our discomfort

Growth-oriented people see themselves as a continual work in progress. They are more interested in learning than protecting. More interested in saying, "I made a mistake. What can I learn from this?" than denying their mistakes. They want to understand where, how and why they are falling short instead of justifying, ignoring, and denying actions that are not aligned with well-being.

A growth mindset is not an innate characteristic, but a perspective that can be nurtured over time.

10 perspectives to nurture a growth mindset journey

1. Recognize Fixed Mindset Traps

Nurturing a growth mindset begins by becoming aware of its opposite--a “fixed mindset” and seeing how it shows up in the form of self-limiting beliefs, fear of failure, avoidance of challenges, or a negative reaction to feedback. Once you’re able to recognize these moments, you can start to intentionally shift your perspective.

2. Embrace Challenges

A person with a growth mindset views and responds to challenges by recognizing that they are not roadblocks on the path, they’re opportunities to learn and grow. Growth comes from stretching your abilities, stepping out of your comfort zone, and daring to do what you once thought impossible.

3. Don’t Fear Failure

Redefine failure. Don’t see failure as a dead end. Instead, view it as a learning experience — a stepping stone on your path to success. Failure isn’t proof of incapacity; it’s a testament to bravery for daring to try. So, the next time you fail, be kind and look at what went wrong, learn from it, and use that knowledge to do better next time.

4. Value Effort

Recognize that effort is the engine that drives growth. Even when progress seems slow, your effort isn’t wasted; it’s building the resilience and strength you need to achieve your goals. See the value of hard work and perseverance, and celebrating these efforts, to reinforce the belief that abilities can be honed and expanded with time and dedication.

5. Continue To Learn

The desire to learn is a fundamental pillar of a growth. It’s about being endlessly curious and seeking out new knowledge. Try to view each day as an opportunity to learn something new. Whether it’s mastering a new skill, delving into a subject you’ve always been interested in, or even learning a fun new recipe, embrace the joy of learning.

6. Cultivate Persistence

Persistence is the lifeblood of a growth. It’s the willingness to keep going even when things get tough. When met with challenges, instead of retreating into the comfort of the known, try to lean into the discomfort. Persistence as a growth mindset is about appreciating the journey as much as the destination, valuing the process and not just the outcome.

7. Seek Out Constructive Feedback

The ability to accept and act upon constructive feedback is crucial for adopting a growth mindset. It provides an outside perspective that can highlight blind spots and opportunities for growth. Feedback is your friend — it’s a tool for growth, not a personal attack.

8. Surround Yourself With Growth-Minded People

Surrounding yourself with people who also have a growth mindset can greatly impact your journey. Their positive attitudes, resilience in the face of challenges, and constant pursuit of growth can inspire and motivate you. Plus, they can provide invaluable support, advice, and encouragement as you navigate your own path to growth.

9. Celebrate Your Small Wins And The Success Of Others

Embracing a growth mindset involves taking inspiration from the success of others, rather than viewing it as a threat. Celebrate the achievements of your peers and consider what you can learn from their journey.

Most importantly, celebrate each small win and success of your own! Don’t sell yourself short. Pausing to feel gratitude for your steady growth is how you will build the strength to keep growing.

10.Develop a Growth Mindset through Mindfulness

Mindfulness cultivates self awareness to interrupt fast brain energy and automatic habits. Mindfulness helps you to access the slow brain response needed to make wiser decisions. It boosts the growth process because it allows you see what’s really going on. It also develops your inner strength to feel and embrace uncomfortable feelings instead of resisting and numbing out.

Our minds can be our undoing and our greatest asset. Mindfulness has nurtured my ability to live life with more joy, well-being and resiliency

Spring Equinox Blessings,
